BC: Before Copy
I’m a copywriter by trade and a linguist behind the scenes.
Like most copywriters, it took me a while to figure out that writing was my thing. When I was younger, I thought a copywriter was actually a copyright-er who put ™ next to brand names for a living. Some of my friends think that’s what I do, but I don’t have the heart to correct them so I nod along about intellectual property and look pensive.
Thanks to a languages degree and time spent living in Chile and Italy, I’m fluent in Spanish and have advanced Italian. Sadly, I rarely use them directly. Instead, they come into play to help me work with global teams and facilitate translations of my copy into other languages.
AD: Anno Disciplīnae
After years of flailing while my contemporaries excelled on grad schemes, sold their souls to the corporates or popped out some babies, I decided to hone my writing skills. Now, I’m finally a copywriter and tone of voice consultant with real clients. Real ones! I no longer have to explain apostrophes or keywords to my teddies; I have a whole host of real humans to preach to.
Specialising in creative copywriting and helping brands to reinvent themselves, I write for every stage and channel of the marketing funnel.
I implemented a rebrand at Swoon and led one from scratch at TransferGo, crafting a new tone of voice, developing brand values, breathing new life into an ageing brand identity and giving humanity to a robotic one.
And I’ve also helped build efficient processes, art-direct a team of graphic designers, manage stock more efficiently, communicate big messages successfully, win investment rounds, upskill and retain staff and grow both customer databases and business networks.
Below, you’ll see which brands I’ve done this stuff for.